Today we're going to spend about an hour or so working on your proposal/script ideas.
Please refer to the script format that should be in your binders and handed out week 1.
Remember the goal of this class is to create a short multimedia project to promote your business plan. The top projects in the class will receive a cash award.
If you're project is a video, then you will use a two column script with audio and video commands. The purpose is to give the producer and editor a road map of what your finished video will look like.
The first video command should always be "FADE UP FROM BLACK," and the audio should be "FADE UP AUDIO"
You will be able to use pictures, video, slides, and narration for your project.
If you're producing a video make sure you include a slate. The slate will include your name, and Business Plan Project for "the name of your business here."
Amani Channel
Visual Eye Media
Business Plan Project
Think about who your audience is. They will be the judges who will decide which project is the best.
Try to keep everything simple, short and sweet. You may want to approach this like it's a commercial for your business plan.
Simple Ideas
1. Start by introducing yourself and your business name.
2. Explain what your business is and how you came up with the idea.
3. Explain who your customers are, and why this product/service is needed.
4. Include any sales projections or figures related to your sales goals.
5. Explain why your business will be successful and why your business plan is the best.
Now use this basic info to write your script. If you plan to produce a video, write the scenes/photos/slides that will accompany the audio.
PowerPoint is a Microsoft application that allows you to put together presentation slide shows.
I'll give a quick demonstration, then I want you to create five power point slides.
1. Intro slide with your name and business.
2. Slide that describes your business.
3. Slide that explains who your customers are.
4. Slide that explains your sales goals.
5. Slide that explains why your business will be successful, and why your plan is the best.
After your done "Save As"
Create a file on your desktop with your name_Powerpoint then save. Find your flash drive and transfer your files to the flashdrive.
Make sure you write down which flash drive your files are on.
Here's an online tutorial.